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Basel and its different neighborhoods

Basel has a very great variety of neighborhoods. When you relocate to Basel it’s good to know a little bit about each of these neighborhoods so before moving you can choose one that suits you best and gives you right away a feeling of beingathome and belonging.

Geographically, Basel is divided by the Rhine going through its middle. The river devides Basel in the two parts called Grossbasel on the left (west) hand and Kleinbasel on the right (east) hand. Both parts are connected by several bridges, but also by the four ferries "Wild Maa”, “Leu”, “Vogel Gryff” and “Ueli”. They are attached to a long wire cable and are driven purely by the current of the Rhine itself.

In general, one can say that Grossbasel and Kleinbasel offer contrasting experiences. With Grossbasel showcasing historytradition, and elegance, while Kleinbasel embodies modernitycreativity, and a youthful spirit. 

Visitors and residents can explore the diverse attractions and atmospheres of both areas, each contributing to the unique charm and appeal of Basel as a city.

Of course on each side there are exceptions. With neighbourhoods on the Grossbasler side that are more modern and diverse as for example Gundeldingen or St. Johann. But also in Kleinbasel there are exceptions with for example Wettstein as a more calm residential neighbourhood with elegant, rather traditional buildings and the modern architectural landmark of the RocheTowers, which can be seen from everywhere in the city and beyond.

In the following weeks I will give you some insights to each neighbourhood of Basel, to give you a deeper understanding of their characteristics and their benefits. 


As I recently discussed with a friend: Basel is so diverse, everyone can find its perfect place to live. 😍

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